Corona Virus Outbreak and the Chaos Worldwide
When I first heard of the new disease, I simply wondered why the name Corona? To my surprise the word Corona meant Wreath/Crown. It completely convinced me why it is being called as CORONA. A wreath for sure. Does the stay indoors policy not interest you? Are you bored of Working from Home (WFH)? Are you acting responsible in the wake of this deadly virus? Please read and understand the Corona Virus and your responsibilities.
The disease named novel corona virus (COVID-19 named by WHO) emerged in early December 2019 in China and has now spread to over 90 countries. As on 18th March 2020, India has reported 148 cases mostly among those who had traveled from affected countries and their close contacts. It causes a minor illness in majority of patients with symptoms of fever and or cough. A small proportion of such persons may progress to severe disease with difficulty in breathing. It is spread by an infected person with COVID coughing and the droplets from his cough infecting others in close vicinity (less than 1 metre).
A small clip on potential corona virus contact
What should you know primarily?
- COVID-19 is the disease caused by the new corona virus that emerged in China in December 2019.
- COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever and shortness of breath. And the COVID-19 can be severe, and some cases have caused death.
- The new corona virus spreads from person to person. It is diagnosed only with a laboratory test.
- There is no corona virus vaccine yet. Prevention involves frequent hand-washing, coughing into the bend of your elbow and staying home when you are sick.
Even though the virus broke out and was limited to Wuhan, a province in China, it is now declared as a Pandemic worldwide. What a scary situation. The entire world is affected and the people are under great stress. There is panic and then there is chaos. I was less worried, until breakout was limited to China, but eventually when the virus was transmitted to people far across the Continents, the real struggle started. And the struggle is real.
The Global Corona virus tracking can be made here.

Here in India, controlling an epidemic/pandemic is very difficult. We do not have infrastructure for huge number of people. But Corona is now a Pandemic. However, on the current day the government, the state and central health departments are doing a great job. They are screening people in every airport of India. They are examining and quarantining people with travel history to the countries where the breakout is huge. There are helplines that offer help to people.
A quick guide is as below:
The Helpline Number for corona-virus : +91-11-23978046 Toll Free No: 1075
Dos and Don’t s

When to wear a mask?:

When to test?:

Tips on Home Quarantine:
Home quarantine is applicable to all contacts of a suspect or confirmed case of COVID-19. The direct contact could be due to living in the same house, coming in direct physical contact with the positive tested person, coming in contact with respiratory fluids of that person, traveling with the infected person, or touching the surfaces where the infected person might have already come in contact with etc.
As per Health department, the home quarantined person should:
- Stay in a well-ventilated single-room preferably with an attached/separate toilet.
- If another family member needs to stay in the same room, it’s advisable to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between the two.
- Needs to stay away from elderly people, pregnant women, children and persons with co-morbidities within the household.
- Restrict his/her movement within the house.
- Under no circumstances attend any social/religious gathering e.g. wedding, condolences, etc.
He should also follow the under mentioned public health measures at all times:
- Wash hand as often thoroughly with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid sharing household items e.g. dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, bedding, or other items with other people at home.
- Wear a surgical mask at all the time. The mask should be changed every 6-8 hours and disposedoff.Disposable masks are never to be reused.
- Masks used by patients / care givers/ close contacts during home care should be disinfected using ordinary bleach solution (5%) or sodium hypochlorite solution (1%) and then disposed of either by burning or deep burial.
- Used mask should be considered as potentially infected.
- If symptoms appear (cough/fever/difficulty in breathing), he/she should immediately inform the nearest health centre
Instructions for the family members of persons being home quarantined
- Only an assigned family member should be tasked with taking care of the such person
- Avoid shaking the soiled linen or direct contact with skin
- Use disposable gloves when cleaning the surfaces or handling soiled linen
- Wash hands after removing gloves
- Visitors should not be allowed
- In case the person being quarantined becomes symptomatic, all his close contacts will be home quarantined (for 14 days). And followed up for an additional 14 days or till the report of such case turns out negative on lab testing.
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy life. Stay responsible and act wisely. Your one action can save thousands or even millions of innocent lives. You are the hero the world needs.